seasonal changes and menopause

Can Menopause Be Tied to Seasonal Change?

The different seasons affect our environment in more ways than you can imagine. Summer marks the rise of the mosquitos, while winter sends bears into hibernation. The seasons have a lot to do with behavioral patterns in animals and with how we adapt to the changing climate. In the summer, people tend to dress down into shorts and t-shirts, while fall and winter call for an entire wardrobe change.

Not only do the different seasons affect how we adapt to the changing weather, but recent studies by Hungarian experts show that the seasons play a role in menopause. That’s right, the seasons have an impact on when women start facing vaginal dryness, painful intercourse and the other effects of menopause.

The Studies

These experts held a survey and asked 102 women if they remembered the first time they had missed their period since entering menopause. Out of those women, 72 percent of them remembered the exact date while only 30 percent could only recall the season. Surprisingly enough, 55 of those 102 women remember their skipped menstruation taking place in the spring.

The Hungarian experts found that there was a high peak of women entering menopause after the spring equinox, and another lower peak after the autumn equinox.

Why the Seasons Have This Effect

Experts believe that the reason for these results is the fact that the ovaries are governed by several internal and external factors due to the changing climate. These extreme changes have led to a statement by Dr. János Garai stating, “The seasonality we found seems to support the influence of environmental factors on female human reproductive functions even when they are declining.”

Early cases of vaginal dryness and menopause in general are linked with the springtime. This leads experts to believe that colder temperatures have a greater impact on the female reproductive system than warmer, summer weather.

So, while the spring may mark the beginning of menopause for most women, it doesn’t have to mean the end of your comfort. Invest in Femininity™ for a restored youth and a healthy transition.



The post Can Menopause Be Tied to Seasonal Change? appeared first on Femininity.

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